Friday, May 30, 2003

"THIS JUST IN:" Those who are "pococurante" to hardware or go by the monikers "MGDub" & "GJDubya" may find some of the following content to be less than enthralling. Then again, I could be wrong.

If you happen to find yourself with some free time in NYC this year, I highly recommend the Cooper-Hewitt Museum's "National Design Triennial: Inside Design Now" exhibit. They've culled the most innovative designs over the past few years in fashion, architecture, product design and technology for this exhibition. I should note, I stopped counting how many different projects originated from MIT's Media Lab, "too many I tell you." I, of course, loved it, but I already knew that. Adam enjoyed himself as well despite being hesitant initially. I bought the book if anyone's interested.

The Copper-Hewitt was my favorite museum visit also because I found a complimentary museum guide in the gift shop that included a coupon for free admission to The Museum of Television & Radio. NICE! There's nothing to see at this museum, you just watch TV. Adam and I watched Jerry Seinfeld's first HBO special from 1987 in one of the screening rooms and then we went to the library where you can watch any TV episode in their database on your own TV console. I was super excited because I've always wanted to watch the Martha Stewart episodes where the Muppets guest star...they just sound hilarious. Unfortunately, the museum didn't have any Martha Stewart episodes, so I settled for a Columbo movie, the 1971 premiere...gotta love Peter Falk.

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