Thursday, May 29, 2003

Lee Harvey

I always call it "Lee Harvey as in Oswald, but thankfully most of my friends know I'm referring to Lee Valley Hardware, not the assassin. I've previously posted about Lee Valley and it is just the best because they don't try to be hip, which makes them kind of cool. They sell everything from woodworking tools to gardening equipment to kitchen gadgets and their inventory is gigantic. They always have cool new items except they often classify them under strange pragmatic categories so you've got to happen upon them. My new favorite is the traditional Indian spice caddy and the stacking storage container, which is really an Asian style lunchbox. I'm excited about getting some of these No-Prep Metal Paints to paint some galvanized steel buckets, inspired by an episode of Martha Stewart. They have great service; it's inexpensive and fast. For example: clear topped aluminum containers, Martha Stewart at $15 for service that's "slightly proficient" at best versus Lee Valley at $3.70.. 'Nuf said.

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