Friday, May 16, 2003

Ye Olde Comeuppance: yet another update to the continued fascination with the word "comeuppance"

Courtesy of Nina, the end of Roger Ebert's review of "Down with Love",

"Down With Love" is no better or worse than the movies that inspired it, but that is a compliment, I think. It recalls a time when society had more rigid rules for the genders, and thus more adventure in transcending them. And it relishes the big scene where a hypocrite gets his comeuppance. The very concept of "comeuppance" is obsolete in these permissive modern times, when few movie characters have a sense of shame and behavior is justified in terms of pure selfishness. Barbara Novak's outrage at sneaky behavior is one of the movie's most refreshing elements from the 1960s--not to say she isn't above a few neat tricks herself.

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